
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

1000th POST!!!!!!! Wow!

I can't believe that this is my 1000th post!

It was 7 years ago this month that I started this blog to keep our families connected with our firstborn, Ava. Since then, we have shared our lives and silliness with you all (if there is anyone out there still reading!).

Here is what I have learned through my blogger stats:
Fun times. Here is a link to the post that started it all.

    So thanks for staying with us - That is if anyone is still out there! :)


  1. Anonymous1:37 PM


  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I KNOW Grammy and I are still reading your posts, so don't you dare quit posting! This blog is like a lifeline for me when I am not in Newbern. It keeps me connected with all of you in a way no phone calls or letters could possibly do. 1,000 posts full of laughter, tears, joy and love represents a lot of long hours of work for you, Tiffany, but those of us who read your blog, (and I know there are MANY, whether they post comments or not) appreciate what you do. To me, your blog represents what it is really like to raise and nurture a typical loving family in today's society, through the eyes of a busy, loving mother who does so very much for her family, her church, and her community. One day your children will look back and realize how hard you worked to not only do your best for them, but to take the added step of recording it all for them in such a wonderful way. Congratulations on your 1,000th post. WELL DONE!


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