
Saturday, February 03, 2007

It looks like all we do is eat...

I just realized how many pictures we take of Ava eating. We really need to get this child out more. Maybe when it warms up a little...

Friday, February 02, 2007

How Tired do you have to be...

To fall asleep in the middle of a meal?

Snow Day

Well, we had another snow day today and I finally convinced Bradley to let Ava go out into the snow. I bundled her in her teddy bear snowsuit and we spent just a few minutes outside. She didn't even pay attention t o the snow, she was just happy being outside.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It's Snowing!

Man, I thought we would have to wait until after midnight to see some flakes if we saw any. But, right around 4 it started snowing and has not quit! In fact, they have already cancelled school! YAY! Snow day and also Ava's first snow! How fun!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Glo Worm Love

Ava loves her Glo Worm that Santa brought her for Christmas. It plays such soothing music and she loves the light. She also loves to put as much of his face in her mouth as possible. That's Glo Worm Love!

She also has a thing for removing her socks. It was hard enough keeping socks on her giant feet before, but now that she can reach them, we may as well give up!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Squash=Good! Green Beans=BAD!

Well, our little Ava hates green beans! In fact when we try to give them to her, she refuses to eat anything for the rest of the meal including her cereal! So we have given up on the green beans for now. On the other hand, she loves squash. Now I am a squash lover, but the smell of this stuff is gross! But she loves it! So right now we love our cereal (rice mixed with oatmeal), green peas, and squash!
Gagging herself with her spoon!
Man this stuff is good!
I need more!