
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Harrison's Christmas Party

Last weekend we attended a Christmas party for all of the families of children who stay at Nana Cheryl's daycare. We already knew most of the parents and their children, so it was nice to get together and enjoy a meal and let our children play. Unfortunately, Harrison was scared of Santa Claus and stayed very skittish until he left. However, we had a nice time and the kids enjoyed making crafts and exchanging gifts.

Monday, December 12, 2011

December Events

December has been very packed so far with many, many events and lots of family time. :) We have had a lot of fun and it seems like December is flying by and Christmas is almost here again. :)

So far we have watched a Christmas parade and waved at Santa, Ava and I went to see JT and Jonathan in White Christmas, put up our family Christmas tree, and had 2 bouts of beautiful snow. We also attended Sorghum Valley where Harrison had a traumatic visit with Santa.

Even though it has been busy, it has been a great month so far and I am looking forward to Friday and the last day of school for 2011!

Ava and Harrison enjoying the parade.

Harrison enjoying the parade

Ava and Jonathan

Ava and JT

Ava's ornament of the year

Harrison's Ornament of the Year