
Thursday, August 14, 2014

3rd Grade

So, 3rd grade is off to a rocky start. Ava is just not a fan right now. It seems that every day she comes home and feels she has been slighted. First, it was the shorter recess, and now it seems daily there is some catastrophe. She is not allowed to use her "pretty pencils," but has to use the class set of yellow pencils. I agree, that sucks. Who wants to touch pencils that every other disgusting hand has touched. Blech!

Today, she was upset because she didn't get to work on her book. After finishing the Spiderwick Chronicles series last night, she wanted to write a sequel. She wanted to work on Chapter 3 at school today, but after finishing her work, her teacher would not let her get her composition book out and write. She was so mad. Let's face it, Ava finished her work quickly. She is very smart and she catches on quickly. Sure, sometimes she rushes, but not to let her write? What is the harm of her getting out her notebook and writing? She was able to get a book out to why not write?

I'm trying to be positive, other than the pencil deal, but I am so afraid that she will start to dislike school again. I'm crossing my fingers that things get better.

Walking into school on the first day. 

Her new classroom

This school year's theme is about being Wild for Learning. She got these from her teacher.

Excited about her new backpack. 

First assignment - "Make a me bag"  Ava had to fill a bag with items that represent her. She chose a couple of pictures, a magnet from Disney World, an apron and scissors for her love of crafting, and some gemstones  from Discovery Park. 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

A Letter to Ava on her 8th Birthday

Dear Ava,

It's so hard to believe that you are 8 years old. It seems like only yesterday that I spent 3 days in the hospital, in pain, waiting for you to arrive. As soon as you were born, all that was washed away as I was handed the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. Over the past 8 years, you have made us laugh, shake our heads in frustration, and marvel at what a beautiful girl you are.

Sometimes, I miss those squishy baby cheeks and long for the days when I could dress you in what I want you to wear and read you what I want you to hear. However, I am also loving this fiercely independent girl you are. We like a lot of the same things and I enjoy sharing new experiences with you and taking you places to see new things.

It is very obvious to all that you are a dreamer. You dream big things and long to create, whether that is using craft supplies, paper, or just a pen and paper. I marvel at the things that you come up with and always enjoy seeing what's next. Creativity is something I have always wanted and you have it in spades. Your father and I may not always understand what you are creating, but it is always amazing to see. Dreaming big is so important, but I also feel that we have to have some reality checks every now and then. :)

This year, you have branched outside our comfort zone with softball. You have never really liked sports, I think, because you don't like someone being in your personal space and being so competitive. Yes, you want to win, but you also want to have fun. I always tell people that anything you start, you want to start, and then BAM, you want to be awesome at it. Softball was hard for you because you had to work at it. I am proud of you for sticking it out and putting in effort, even though you didn't always want to.

I hope that age 8 is a magical time for you. I can see that you are growing so fast and I worry that the magic will start to disappear all too quickly. I hope that this year of 8 is a year of discovery, learning, and lots of love. Please know that no matter how much you grow or how old you get, you are forever my Ava-Boo.

I love you to the moon and back.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Rogers' Family Weekend

The weekend before last weekend, otherwise known as the first weekend of August ;), Aunt Bethany and Liam came for a visit and we spent most of the weekend at Nana and Pop's. We had a wonderful time, but we were exhausted by Sunday night and I know Nana and Pop were too. :)

Ava in the corner. She hated that I was taking this picture.

Pop preparing our supper. They always feed us well. 

Daddy helping in the kitchen. 

This has been making me sad, because Ava has always liked school. She is frustrated that recess for 3rd graders is shorter than recess for 2nd graders. She feels slighted.

 And then all of the kiddos had a blast in the sprinklers.

Nana and Pop's cat, Bella. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

What to Do Before School Starts Back

These photos are from the last couple of weeks before school started. We tried to cram in as much fun as we could. :) This doesn't contain our Discovery Park pictures which I will post later.
Scout just wishing he could run free.

During a rather boring three day (!!!!!) inservice, I always looked forward to seeing what my Sobe Lifewater lid would say. 

Nothing better than running in the freshly mown grass.

The results of running in that grass.....

Mean you have to have a bath.

Headed out for girls back to school shopping in Jackson. First stop, Joanne's of course.

Ladies' lunch at Olive Garden.

Loving her Ever After High book so much that she can't stop even when we grocery shop. 

To celebrate National Hot Dog day, Scouter got his own wiener.

A trip to the Farmers' Market

Picking their own blackberry container. 

Sweet boy

Headed to celebrate National Hot Dog Day at the library.

At the library for National Hot Dog Day

A genius marketing plan. I love looking for names. 

This made my cup runneth over. 

A sleepover at Nana and Pop's

He walks in and immediately dumps his toys in the floor. Classic Harrison. 

Digging for names while out shopping for school supplies. 

Finding her school supply list. 

Lisa Frank is the color of my childhood also. :) Makes my heart happy to see this.