
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day Pageant

All week long my friend Stacy has been onto me to put Ava in a pageant that the Junior class from school was sponsoring. I had kept saying no because of this pageant last time - and because earlier last week Ava had said, "I no want to do a pageant, Mommy." (This was said after an emotional episode of the TLC show Toddlers and Tiaras) So I stopped there. But Stacy was no quitter and she called me a little before 10 and wanted Ava to be in the pageant, but she had to be there by 10:45. Now at this time, Ava hadn't bathed and I had just showered. I asked Ava if she wanted to go to the pageant and she agreed because she wanted to see JonThomas who was helping with the trophies and crowns. So in a little over 20 minutes, we bathed Ava and got her ready, I got ready, and I even printed off a picture for the Miss Photogenic pageant. It was very rushed, but we made it with a few minutes to spare. Since we hadn't talked about it, I just told Ava when she was onstage to smile, and just have fun.

So this time around, Ava got to be escorted on stage by JonThomas and she did great. She smiled at the judges, but was more interested in the balloons than the judges. She was hilarious. Her is a rundown of her announcement.

"Contestant Number 2 is Ava Rogers. Her favorite food is chicken nuggets (?) and her favorite color is red. She enjoys singing, dancing, and coloring. She is described as silly, funny, and high-strung. Her future goals include learning to use the potty."

Yeah that is totally what I wrote and I got a kick out of it! The second time she went out, she went out with a fellow teacher who told the little girls to blow kisses to the judges, which Ava did while proceeding to very loudly tell the judges, "I blow you kisses!" It was hilarious. She stole the show. All she cared about was the balloons!

In the end, she won Most Photogenic, Best Smile, Best Hair, and 1st Maid. She received some certificates and a trophy which she loved. Best of all for her, she got a balloon (which she popped a few minutes after we got home). It was so funny because all Ava wanted was a balloon and all the winner wanted was a trophy. She didn't want the crown she just wanted a trophy! It was cute.

But for us, I don't anticipate this being something we do very much. I did this one to support the school, but in my heart, I know my little girl is the most beautiful and I don't need someone to tell me that. I did this for fun and Ava enjoyed herself and had fun with JT and that is what mattered. Oh, and that she got her balloon too!

Special thanks to Jonathan for taking these pictures and Stacy for doing video. Since this was so rushed and last minute, we didn't have any family with us. Bradley and his dad were working on cutting some limbs in our yard, so it was just Ava and I. I appreciate them documenting this for us!

See, she wanted balloons!

Look closely at Ava, she is blowing kisses.

And back to the balloons. (Her back is obvously on the judges too much! LOL!)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Recapping the ice storm

In honor of today's crazy windiness that completely destroyed 3 sections of our fence, I decided to post pictures from our ice storm a couple of weeks ago. We missed 4 days of school due to ice and power losses in the county. Ava was amazed by what she called "snow and icing." While I know this was nothing compared to what other people surrounding us got, this is just what happened in our neck of the woods.

The limbs down in our backyard.

Most of the fence in this picture came down today. (As you can see this section belonging to our neighbor;s was not in great shape to begin with.)
A limb that woke me up as it was falling.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Birthday Overview

So 29 started out a lot like 28 in that it was not a great day. 28 started out with tornadoes and severe weather and 29 started out with 2 flat tires and parent/teacher conference. Yucky! On my actual birthday I had to work late so Bradley and I grabbed a bite to eat at Subway and then Anne and Joe brought Ava back home and we had birthday cake and presents. On Friday, Bo and Mike came down and we opened gifts and just enjoyed hanging out and catching up. We had planned to take Ava to Chuck E. Cheese's on Saturday, but when we got there it was too crowded and people were lined up out the door. We knew she was disappointed, but we just couldn't take the crowd or wait in line that long. Instead we ate at Chili's and did some shopping with emphasis on clothing preparations for Florida. Ava racked up because they had tons of cute little girls clothes already in the stores. Once we got back in town that night we swung by Papa John's and grabbed some pizza and spent the rest of the night playing Wii. We rocked out to some American Idol! Sunday we did a lot of wii-ing and just had a lazy day hanging out.

So I guess now I am in my final year of my 20's. I can't believe that it has gotten here so quickly. I have a list if things I want to get done before I am 30, so we shall see! Thanks to all for the birthday wishes, cards, and money! I appreciate all of you guys thinking of me!
My dollar bill from my husband.

The cake fiend strikes again!

Bo (she has the same birthday)

Just a quick note

I will be holding the drawing for a prize this Friday night (the day before Valentine's). So Ava will be drawing and if you haven't entered a comment yet, please do. Just scroll down a little ways until you see the post for comments for 500. (Bethany, I have your comment.)

I will be back later tonight with Birthday pics!