This summer has really flown by. With my new job, I have already been logging some hours so summer is pretty much over for me. It is hard to believe that next Wednesday, Ava will start first grade. I am very anxious to find out who her teacher is going to be and I am hoping we have a great year. I haven't gotten nearly as many things done this summer as I would have liked, but that's life. Here are some recent pics. ;)
It seems that whenever I am sitting down, I usually end up with this 37 pound growth on my head!
Ava and I headed out for Girls' Day.
Harrison after his new haircut. (Note the snotty nose that was seriously stirred up since he SCREAMED the entire time!)
We have been dealing with some behavior issues with our little Harold and Bradley made him stand in the corner.
Words cannot express....
Enjoying Girls' Day