Ever since Ava was very small, she has loved sunglasses. (That is after she got over the fear of them!) She has a pair and she is constantly stealing mine. So for as long as she can remember, anytime she would put a pair on, I would call her "Ava Hollywood." Just like, I am "Mommy Hollywood" and Daddy is "Daddy Hollywood" when we are are wearing sunglasses. It comes from the old movie,"Mannequin," where the character, Hollywood, is always wearing crazy glasses. It's from the 80's and stars Andrew McCarthy and Kim Cattrell. Love it to this day and just watched it a couple of weeks ago. Back to the point; anytime we are wearing sunglasses, I act silly and go on and on about Hollywood. So it was hilarious to me when I took some pictures of Ava in her sunglasses and when I showed them and asked her who they were, instead of saying, "Aba," she said, "Is Hollywood!" I died, it was so freaking adorable. And from there, we have seen a kid at Wal-Mart wearing sunglasses and Ava says, "Look! Hollywood!" I just love it and I think it is one of the sweetest things to hear. I love my little Hollywood!

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