
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pictures outside at Nana and Pop's

On Father's Day Ava and I went outside and did a few photos. As usual, she wouldn't look at the camera, but here are the pictures anyway. For some reason, I just absolutely adore the first one. It is just so serene and calm looking even though I am sure she was probably running by me. As you can tell, I have been playing and experimenting with these!


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these pictures!
    The colors just POP on the regular ones, and the muted ones are VERY pretty. I, too, love the first one. The pale color is so sweet looking, and it's just a great shot, in general. The muted one, where Ava's top is darker, reminds me of the old sepia tones they used to do, which I absolutely love! Keep playing around with your camera, Tiffany. You are getting some wonderful pictures!!!!!!


  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    The first picture looks of pure innocence - Love that shot! They are all great. You do have the eye of a photographer, Tiffany. I also love the song "Sweet Baby". Have a great weekend.
    Love, Aunt Bethany


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