
Monday, May 17, 2010

My First Mother's Day with Two...

Here are some photos from my first Mother's Day with both Ava and Harrison. It started off with a nice breakfast, had a crazy photo shoot in the middle, and ended with a nice Filet Mignon and baked potato. Great day and I got to spend it with the ones I love.

Can't you tell that she loves photo shoots...


  1. Where did you get biscuits and gravy that look like that? They look DELICIOUS! I should post pictures of the ones I made for Sydney's birthday...not so great.

  2. Anonymous12:23 PM

    So glad you had a great Mother's Day!! It was great getting to see you that Saturday. Grammy

  3. Jodie- Bradley made it out of a mix. We rarely do the homemade. I always screw it up!


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