
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ava's First Egg Hunt

Even though the weather was not great, we decided to go ahead and take Ava to the Newbern Easter Egg Hunt. Although for all ages, I wouldn't call it a hunt, but rather an Easter Egg Pick Up. When we arrived at the park, it was very windy, there was basically no parking anywhere and Ava was just in a mood. We weren't sure where to go, but by the recreation center at the park, you could see just tons of eggs laying all over the ground and I assumed that was where the 0-2 years would be hunting. Upon closer inspection we discovered this was the hunt for the 8 - 10 year olds. Not much of a hunt, but rather a race to see who could pick up the most eggs that were just laying on the ground out in the open. Maybe it was lack of hiding spots, maybe it's because they didn't want any surprise eggs left over for a few months, but whatever the reason, I would hardly call it a challenge.

We finally found the area for the 0 - 2 year olds and got in place. Of course there are tons of kids everywhere and lots of eggs just laying on the ground. I knew we were in for it when Ava gets out of her stroller and looks like this while hanging onto Bradley.

So it finally comes time for the hunt and the Easter Bunny comes over to get things started off. The lady with him has a megaphone, that she has no clue how to work because she is talking into it and no sound is coming out. We all know that the Easter Bunny doesn't talk, he may be 6 feet tall, but for goodness sake, he can't talk. He's a rabbit and rabbits don't talk. So this lady is talking into her megaphone and all of a sudden the parents take off and the lady is saying, "Stop, stop we haven't started yet!" But since they are off, they just keep going. Anyways, luckily where we were there were a couple of eggs because Ava was having none of this. My goal for her was 5 eggs, we left with 2. Bradley sat her down in the grass beside the eggs and she would barely touch them. She just started crying and by the time we got our 2 eggs, the rest were gone and most kids had like 20 eggs in their basket! Bradley said he wasn't going to be a trashy parent out there taking all the eggs, he wanted Ava to get them on her own. However, Ava just wanted to held, she hated the grass, she hated the wind, and she was ready to go home. Our two eggs were not part of the prize-winning category, but she at least got 2 eggs.

Ava the Master Egg Hunter:

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