
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Our Ky Trip

I know that I am behind in posting and still have a few pics from a couple of weeks ago to post. I am also going to be a little behind because I have been using our film camera a little more so I have to wait to have film developed. But I will post as I have things ready which may not be as often, especially with school starting next week (insert crying sounds here!). I did take some pics with our digital in KY so here they are.
The first one is of Bradley and Ava at the rehearsal dinner.

Ava has developed the fascination with the toilet. Getting ready for a bath at the hotel.

All alone in a big person bathtub.

The Clark Guys : Bradley, Grant, and Adam (the groom)
Grant and Katie
My goofy husband and me
The blushing groom?

Adam and Brittany

Trayton riding Barney
Ava deep in concentration (because she is watching TV)

Ava at Maggie's Jungle Golf.

You can tell she didn't like being on the zebra's back.
And last but not least, before we left the hotel, Ava spilled out her brand new jar of puffs all over the nasty floor at the hotel. She then proceeded to eat several before we got them cleaned up. I am sure the cleaning staff really appreciated us!

Like I said, I have taken more pictures, but I have to wait until the film is developed. I will post those next week when they return (because for some reason Wal-Mart is still on a holiday schedule). The downside of film, it takes forever!

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