
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Ava - Terrific Kid

Ava and I were both so excited when she brought home a note that said she would be receiving an award for being named "Terrific Kid" for the last 9 weeks. This award goes to a student who has made vast improvements in academics or behavior in the classroom. I was so proud that she was honored with this award.

As we all know, Ava is definitely Ava, but her behavior at school has improved so much since the beginning of the year. She has also made great strides in her academic work and is reading ahead of what most Kindergartners are. Her math skills are also very good at this point and she can add most one-digit numbers.

Words cannot express how proud of her I was at the award program. I just hope she continues to excel with her schoolwork and her behavior.

Way to go, Ava! You are a TERRIFIC KID! :)

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