
Friday, July 14, 2006

35 weeks...

Well, today I had my 35 week appt. 5 more weeks until my due date. The dr. said everything was looking good, the baby is starting to drop a little bit, and she thought I was doing good. My blood pressure was down just a slight bit, but next appt will be my first day back at school for inservice (the 24th). The receptionist doesn't think she will let me start back officially but maybe just get inservice out of the way. It all just depends on how my blood pressure is once I start getting back into the swing of things. I really want to work up to my due date so I don't have to take extra days off, but baby comes first so we shall see.

Yesterday's 4 year anniversary was pretty uneventful. Bradley picked us up some Taco Bell and we both felt really sick for the rest of the night! But it sure was good. Nothing like Taco Bell to celebrate an anniversary! We were going to watch our wedding video, but for some reason, it won't play on our VCR. IT is so frustrating. You can see the picture when you rewind of fast forward, but when you hit play the tracking is all off. Since the VCR has digital tracking, there is not much you can do.

Tomorrow we are planning on looking for some border for the upstairs bathroom. We want to try and get it painted this next week while I am still off from work. I have had a hard time finding what I want to use, but I am looking in a new direction. I will past some pics of it when we are through.

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend. Love, Tiff

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